Monday, November 16, 2009

Flu Fighters

This post comes later than I would have liked, but I've been nursing a back injury that landed me in bed most of last week. (Ouch!) It's been slow-going, but finally getting better.

For this week, I decided to focus on something that's been on everyone's mind: Tips for fighting the flu. With everyone sneezing into their elbows or tissues at work, I've been desperately trying to find natural remedies to prevent and beat the flu this season. Here are some ways to stay healthy.
  1. Vitamin C: A common one, but doctors are seeing the added benefits of Vitamin C in boosting immunity to all sorts of illnesses. While it cannot prevent you from getting a cold, Vitamin C can prevent complications that result from it such as pneumonia and infections. Still, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of nine servings of fruits and vegetables can be hard to consume if you're not accustomed to eating so many servings. In those instances, a 500 mg supplement + five servings of Vitamin C-rich foods is just as good. Click here for a list of foods that are great to incorporate into your diet.
  2. Elderberry: My new go-to herbal supplement since having the seasonal flu a month back ago. I'm always open to natural alternatives, and after feeling like I wanted to crawl under a rock until this all subsided, I was willing to take anything my doctor recommended. He sent me over to the Vitamin Shoppe, and I never looked back. Two days into taking it, I was already a hundred times better. As Dr. Pedre explained, recent studies have shown that black elderberry extract actually contains anti-viral properties that lessens the life span of the seasonal flu. For those that are not crazy taking liquid, it also comes in capsules. And if you take once a day when you're not sick, you lessen your chances of getting sick in the future. For more information on the benefits, click here.
  3. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): I actually can't try this one since it has sulfur-compounds, but for those not allergic to it, this might be worth a shot! It's an amino-acid that helps break down mucus and prevent chronic bronchitis symptoms. It's also said to protect the tissue in your lungs due to its antioxidant activity. If someone has tried it, I'd love to hear about your experiences with it.
Besides these supplements, everyday preventatives like drinking 2 liters of water a day, washing your hands frequently, and getting enough sleep will definitely keep you going when the barometer starts to drop.

Here's to fighting a good fight :)


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